Looking back, looking ahead

Hello ! Greetings to our warm and enthusiastic school community.

There is a lot of news to share with you – many updates – some achievements – some challenges.

baksho baron 2
baksho baron 1

The beginning of 2019 went in a flash as all of us got ready for our school concert “BakshoBaaron”. The theme was unique and apt in the present scenario as we celebrated respect and love for all of humanity. We rejected the narrow boxed existence of our many identities with a musical that was resplendent in colour, music, rhythm and dance.

Our children surprised us with their professionalism, their finesse, their confidence and their expressions on stage. So many lessons were learnt – lessons on sharing, on team spirit, on hard work, on responsibility, on creativity, on critical thinking and problem-solving. Far into the future, the lessons of that evening will guide our children to choose well in life.

Global warming
saraswati puja2

Saraswati Puja was held in school soon after. This year the “bhog” was prepared in-house and children sat together like a large family and shared a meal. For the first time our parent community put up a cultural show – we were pleasantly surprised by the talent and the enthusiasm. Next year, our class 8s and 9s will take the responsibility of the entire organisation. Our children are growing up and we adults must entrust them with important stuff so that in a safe environment they learn to organise, negotiate, create, execute.

Somewhere in February we had a picnic for our little ones from Playgroup to class 1. We camped out in our school garden with a variety of food items, happy songs and the feel of the earth under our bare feet. The delight on the faces of our children was reason enough to understand how important this day was in our school year.

pre-primary picnic
Doctor's check-up

Frenzied preparation, annual examinations, scrutinising answer scripts, report cards and parent-teacher meetings later, we went into our busiest time of the year – our transition period from one session to another. Our 6’s and 7’s came for the much awaited and exciting math workshop, our children demonstrated in Sodepur station with a street theatre that urged adults to save the earth’s resources and lead a sustainable life, a health check-up happened for the first time in our school.

As a community we love learning. In that spirit we had a number of learning sessions for our teachers. We learnt the art of storytelling, how to lead students to write better, how to frame effective questions, how to teach SST in an interesting way and finally how to inspire children to become great human beings (We participated in CBSE’s Awakened Citizen Program).

SST activity
parent orientation

On 2nd April and 6th April, we welcomed our new parents. Parents of children in class 1 and class 3 were apprised of the new approach to academics, they were explained about new assessment systems and the steps to be followed for holistic growth of our children.For the first time an in-depth career counselling session was held for parents of classes 7 and 8. The interaction was lively, informative, warm and thoughtful. This initiative by the school was greatly appreciated.

The new session finally started with the entire student community this week. We welcomed the many new students, our new parents who will walk with us towards a common goal and six new teachers who added muscle to our wonderful faculty.

Children were delighted to see the huge new library, the new and better equipped science lab, the swanky new smart board in our activity room, the huge number of new books in our library, the new sports equipment, new benches- soft-boards – ACs and most importantly a goal post in the making.

Hindi activity mask making
Saraswati puja

In the new session we are working hard to transition as soon as possible to the new NACH system – this has been pending for a while and we hope to resolve this soon.

Let this year be the year of deep learning and deep kindness. May all adults, parents and teachers, guide our little stars so that our children become the best version of themselves.

Till next time – may you find joy everywhere.
Joyeeta Dasgupta
Head of Institution
TIGPS, Ariadaha

Story telling activity